HR Audit & Legal Due Diligence

Home Services HR Audit & Legal Due Diligence

HR Audit & Legal Due Diligence

We conduct audits for our clients from 'Principal Employer's' perspective and check the applicability of the provisions of the Labour Laws, correct remittances of contributions under Provident Fund, Employees State Insurance, Labour Welfare Fund, Profession Tax effectively and identify the excess, short, delayed, or no payments.

We thoroughly check the validity of the Licenses and Registration Certificates and scrutinize the content of the Periodical Returns (if applicable) and other compliance documents, to prepare a comprehensive audit report encompassing the compliance status, implications of non-compliances (financial and otherwise), and an advisory note, that helps our clients in being totally compliant.

Furthermore, in addition - we also cater specific purpose Due Diligence for our clients, viz:

  1. Comprehensive scrutiny of statutory compliances of a company as per the applicable central/state specific Laws.
  2. Conducting specific purpose Audit & Due Diligence, viz.:
    • For Mergers & Acquisitions
    • For Takeovers
    • For IPOs
    • For Joint Ventures
    • At the time of Winding-up of Companies / Closure of Establishment